Saturday, July 29, 2006

Well that was surprisingly effective

After I wrote my long rant about my experience with anesthesia, I wrote a long email to my surgeon explaining what had happened. All I asked from him was an acknowledgement that he had received the email. He replied a few days later and said he was sorry for my experience and he would forward my email to the head of anesthesiology. Then the next day I got an email from the head of anesthesiology saying that he had spoken with my doctor and he would like to talk to me. He gave me his office number and said I could call him or I could email him my phone number and he would call me. Long story short, we eventually connected via phone and he was so nice. The first thing he asked was how I was feeling now. He apologized, he said they could certainly have done a better job with the pre-anesthesia so I would have no memory of the procedure, and he thanked me for my constructive comments. He also said if I ever needed another procedure at that hospital that I should call him and he would make sure that I had a more pleasant experience. I was just stunned. I was so afraid to write the email but I feel so much better now (and I'm not afraid to have general anesthesia again should I ever need it.)

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